
Skywave Music And Video Company: Sociocultural Strengths

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Sociocultural Trends Skywave Music and Video Company is targeting the youth in its movie and music production. This group watches movies and listens to music the most and they comprise the largest population. But society is changing and with it, the way the youth entertain themselves. Many of them are choosing to stream movies and music on their phones or laptops, therefore the company is losing out on income from their previous purchases of DVDs. The economic downturn and high rate of immigrants has also affected many of the youth because they are unable to get jobs as easily as before, leading to a reduction of spending money. This may affect the sales and revenues of Skywave because we will have to reduce our prices in order to accommodate those who can afford to buy the products. The company might have to make fewer movies and music due to the high budget costs and low sales. It will be difficult to get feedback about our productions unless we look to get it through the channels the youth are using. The company might have to downsize if the trend continues, but increase the purchase of …show more content…

We look forward to add feature films and documentaries to our palette, as well as movies for the youth. We are also engaging in live show productions for theater houses and international church conferences around the country. The movies being produced can be watched all over the country and are affordable to most households. Most of them are rated for general viewing therefore parents can watch them with their children. Our potential huge customer base is the youth who watch all types of movies, from PG-rated to those with ratings of violence. They watch the most music and videos therefore we will produce for them the kind of entertainment they like. This will boost our sales because they are the highest consumers of these products and they usually recommend products that they like to

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