Sleep Persuasive Essay

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In an ideal world, everyone would wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, energized, and ready for the day; however, that’s not the case. Many people are finding themselves waking up in the morning feeling tired and irritable. Getting a good night's sleep can have the power to change a person’s mood and health, but not getting enough sleep at night can form bad habits and lead to problems such as obesity, common colds, and mess up your sleep schedule. The average teenager needs between nine to nine and a half hours of sleep a night, but the average teenager only get seven to seven and a half hours. That’s two hours of sleep a night that a teenager doesn’t receive. Over time, the hours add up and lead to the teenage to feel drowsy throughout their day. If the teen is driving already, research from Nationwide’s Children says that drowsy driving occurs in the …show more content…

While you sleep, your mind is reseting and preparing for the next day. Studies show that while you sleep, your brain creates pathways that allow a person to learn, become more creative, and make better decisions. There’s many mental side effects to being sleep deprived as well, the first being severe mood swings. Children and teens who may not know how to control their emotions can switch from feeling angry, to feeling upset and sad, to feeling happy and excited, to feeling confused, and end up repeating the miserable cycle until they catch up on sleep. Because they can’t control their emotions, it tends to lead to struggling to deal with changes and making decisions without thinking over them first which results in poor decision making. Sleep deprivation has been linked to cases of suicide and depression. The final mental struggle of being sleep deprived is concentrating. When a person is sleep deprived, concentrating on anything can be a struggle which can cause the persons grades to drop and a feeling of stress or