Small Group Communication And American Culture

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Culture plays a crucial role in small group communication. The culture of a group ultimately defines the group's belief systems, which influences the group's behavior (DeVito, 2020). Each culture has their own unique belief systems, morals, values, and behaviors. An example of this would be comparing small group communication in American culture and Asian culture. American culture has a strong emphasis on individuality and democracy. This culture encourages people to speak their mind, and stand up for what they believe in. Due to this, small group communication tends to involve disagreements and a great amount of of discussion to come to a compromise. The democratic component of American culture means that everyone's opinions are taken into account, and the best solution will generally be the one that satisfies the most people's ideas. …show more content…

Conversely, Asian culture has many conflicting views with American culture. In Asian small group communication, individuality is frowned upon, and people are not encouraged to voice their personal opinions. Instead of individuality, Asian culture encourages collectiveness. This is seen in the governing principles of China, which follow a communist ideology. Leaders are not elected, and the opinions of the people are not involved in the decision-making process. Due to the differing cultures in American and Asian cultures, small group communication varies drastically between the two cultures. This principle can be seen in the numerous cultures around the world, and demonstrates how strongly culture influences small group