Smoking Age Research Paper

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Boom!!! Smoking age being changed to 21? The legal age to be considered an adult is 18, and most states follow that and let them by tobacco products. Tobacco products are harmful to the body, and people that smoke know this and will not stop smoking. Fake ids are even still being created for the use of underage buying. There are a lot of responsibilities when you turn 18 like more job opportunities and new jobs that just became available.

When you have reached the age of 18. You can work full time. If you work for a company that has heavy equipment or provides transportation services that requires special driving permits; you can now train for that position. You can also purchase and use tobacco products in most of the 50 states and in the district of columbia. Alabama, Alaska, New jersey and Utah require you to be 19 years of age to purchase any tobacco products. …show more content…

At age 18 you will have most legal rights and responsibilities of adulthood. Even though you are of legal age there are still some restricted legal rights, such as buying alcohol, which you are not able to buy until your 21st birthday. Being able to understand your rights and responsibilities will help establish you in your community. They will trust you more to have these responsibilities. Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs found in your lungs. Lung disease caused by smoking include COPD, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking cigarettes cause most lung cancer is the U.S. its harmful cause all the many ingredients in tobacco that can harm your body. The main health risk from smoking is lung cancer which is common cause so many people smoke. Smoking cause 90% of deaths from lung cancer alone, and around 80% of deaths from COPD, and 17% of deaths from heart disease. Smoking can cause alot of damage to the