Social Cognitive Theory In Health And Social Care

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Communication is a must in our day-to-day lives, Regardless of which area of health and social care you decide to work in. Effective communication skills are key in health and social care because it helps to establish and develop relationships with clients, colleagues, management and families. According to kim Grove, 2012 Good communication is vital in social care. It enables us to build relationships with service users and their family, develop relationships with fellow care staff, managers and other health and social care staff, provide clear information to service users and fellow care staff, and carry out appropriate reporting and recording.
Health care and social care has been great importance in the care of human, because …show more content…

First, the theory deals with cognitive, emotional aspects and aspects of behaviour to understand behavioural change. Second, the concepts of the SCT provide ways for new behavioural research in health education. Finally, ideas for other theoretical areas such as psychology are welcome to provide new insights and understanding. As Weitz (2009) remarks, cognitive theory is a theory which is recognised to be implemented instantly. Social cognition is, therefore, the encoding, storage, retrieval, and processing of data in the brain (Parrott and Madoc-Jones, 2008). Widely used across psychology and cognitive neuroscience, it is particularly useful when assessing various social abilities and how these can be disrupted by persons suffering from autism and other disorders. Thus, it is clear that the utilisation of this theory in treatment assessment should be tailored to those individual patients who exhibit the systems of the neurological problems noted – and not just used as a ‘catch all’ for all patients (Miles and Mezzich, …show more content…

Social cognition is, therefore, the encoding, storage, retrieval, and processing of data in the brain (Parrott and Madoc-Jones, 2008). Widely used across psychology and cognitive neuroscience, it is particularly useful when assessing various social abilities and how these can be disrupted by persons suffering from autism and other disorders.
Behaviourist theory is of the opinion that people come into this word as a tabular razer i.e. blank slate and hence what they become in life is as a result of what they have learnt (Watson, 1913). In health care context, people’s behaviour is looked as evidence not what they say or think. The doctor’s behaviour towards the service user was inappropriate,
Upon arrival, the doctor could have listing attentively to what the service user had to say, and then give constructive feedback. Argyle’s (1967) states that, Health providers can make their work more effective by listening and observing service users’ general reactions. when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood therefore communication is a cycle. Good communication involves the process of checking understanding, active listening and using reflective. Interpersonal communication was a skill that could be learned and developed in much the same way as learning to drive a