Examples Of Social Inequality

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“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal” (Aristotle).
Living in a time where we inhabit a fair and peaceful democratic country, inequality is still prominent in our society. These issues range from social control, social stratification, racial or gender inequality.
Social inequality occurs when recourses in a given society are disturbed unequally through norms of allocation within specific patterns, along lines of socially define categories of persons which can be manifested through income and wealth inequality, unequal access to education, cultural resources, and differential treatment by law officers among others which may contribute to social status. Social inequality is found in almost every society, it is …show more content…

Pearson Collection pg. 258). Social inequality can be measured through inequality of conditions, and inequality of opportunities. Inequality of conditions allude to the unequal distribution of material goods, income, and wealth. For example, the inequality of housing conditions with the homeless and those living in housing projects sitting at the bottom of hierarchy while the multi- million dollar houses sit at the top of the …show more content…

The bourgeoisie being the ruling class and the proletariat being the working class. Membership of these classes is determined by economic factors. The wealthy bourgeoisie owned the means of production through their business, land and factories. The proletariat on the other hand, own no property and had to sell their labour to the bourgeoisie in order to survive.
The Functionalist Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore thesis on stratification arouses curiosity by seeing society working in a harmonious way, like an organism where each institution having a function to perform. The functionalists agreed that society should permit mobility between classes, ensuring that the most capable and skilled individuals are given the probability to excel.
In essence, having these high rates of social inequality will allow individuals to feel increasing socially excluded, they may live in segregated neighbourhoods and feel politically disempowered, which potentially will create civil unrest or criminal activities. Removing barriers from education, health care and developing ways of allowing integration will create a better society. Individuals who fail to recognise these issues are those who are not affected by social inequality, the