Solution Assessment And Validation Paper

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Solution Assessment & Validation The following points describe the solution options to be implemented into the organization: 1. Implementation of tablets for Nurses use. These tablets are used to process Resident orders. Resident orders are sent directly to Kitchen Staff through a display monitor in the kitchen. Based off a cloud server. Involves training Nurses and Kitchen Staff. Involves training these staff to use the tablet system. 2. Hiring of more staff, including agency nurses, TAFE/University students, volunteers etc. Involves training these staff to use the tablet system. 3. Improve quality and variety of meals for Residents. Involves training Kitchen Staff. The solution options are in order of implementation and priority presented …show more content…

# Requirements Does it Directly Meet the Need How does it meet the Business Need R1 Exclude nurses from placing resident orders with kitchen Y It helps provide greater control over meal plans for residents R2 Receive meal options in advance (time) Y It provides greater control over meal plans and meal received R3 Finish shifts on time N R4 Create a more resident interactive ordering system Y It provides greater control over meal plans R5 Ordered meals delivered each time Y It helps provide greater control over receiving meals R6 Wider range of food choices Y It will increase the versatility of meal plans R7 Improve quality of food N Of the requirement produced: R1, R2, R4, R5 and R6 all directly relate to meeting the business need set by Berlasco. Of the two requirements that don’t directly relate to the business, R3 is met as a by-product of solution implementation and thus requires no resource allocation so should still be included, and R7 is accomplished both as a by-product of menu versatility and training during solution …show more content…

This will bring satisfaction not only for residents but also to the staff which won’t exceed the workload of doing these tasks as they were previously done. ST strategies The only threat associated with the readiness is that it includes technology. For some stakeholders it may take longer to adapt to the changes, therefore the process at the beginning might take longer than expected. Weaknesses WO Strategies The opportunity in this case can mitigate a weakness by improving the initial problem in the ordering system and the weaknesses associated with adapting to the new process and using new technology may be balanced in the beginning with the opportunity. In the later stage of this project, there should be no such issues due to training provided to the stakeholders. WT strategies The worst case scenario for this project would be that all stakeholders would not adapt to the changes and throughout a long period of time the process of ordering food system may be affected to not to function at