
Southwest Airlines's Impact On The Environment

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Since 2001 the world has grown increasingly aware of their impact on the environment. With the boom of technology, the consumer is not more powerful than ever to influence the decision of large companies. It is no secret that flying is one of the most environmentally taxing methods of travel and as the individual becomes more conscientious about their carbon footprint airlines are forced to manage their impact as well. To maintain its profit margins, Southwest Airlines has had to change its tactics to combat the growing environmental factors such as the use of finite resources such as fuel and materials. Southwest Airlines has gone out of their way to give the consumer what they want. On their own company website they have dedicated an entire page to their environmental initiatives. These initiatives include reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, using jet fuel more efficiently, recycling, and giving back to the community. Today’s consumer supports …show more content…

In 2014 Southwest Airlines decided from that point on they would blend low carbon renewable jet fuel with their regular jet fuel. The biofuel would be refined from forest residues which aide in the reduction of catastrophic forest fires. This change in fuel will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and will increase their jet fuel efficiency. Since 2005 Southwest has managed to increase their fuel efficiency by 29%. They were able to accomplish this feat by modernizing their fleet, upgrading their aircraft performance and implementing weight reduction measures and fuel-saving flight procedures. To reduce their greenhouse gas emissions Southwest has not only altered the fuel they use for the planes, but they have gone so far as to change the fuel used by ground equipment as well. They have managed to reduce the emissions by 13.9% in their Training and Operational Support building and have future plans to continue the

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