Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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I do not believe standardized testing should be used to indicate a child’s performance in school. “A standardized test is an examination that’s administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.” (ASCD, 2018, para 4) According to this website, there are two major kinds of standardized tests: aptitude tests and achievement tests. I do not believe that a student’s scores on these tests can provide an accurate index of educational effectiveness. Standardized testing evaluates a student’s performance on a particular day and does not take in to account external factors. Some students that are great students simply do not perform well on tests, however, when they take these test that is not shown. Many students also develop text anxiety …show more content…

"The way that teachers interact with children and the way that teachers encourage interactions between children to affect each child's development in important ways." (Faith, 2012, para 1) The amount of schoolwork throughout grades is dedicated to helping children become expert problem solvers and solution-seekers, these skills that will come in handy in just about every aspect of a child's adult life. The school plays an important role in helping children learn how to interact positively with their peers and teachers. They also learn about healthy relationship skills and develop them further through interactions. Just as the school provides lessons on reading, writing, and arithmetic, from the very beginning it also focuses on helping kids learn about compassion, respect, empathy, and focuses on helping kids learn about compassion, respect, empathy, and integrity. Some examples of this are “raise your hand” and “keep your hands to yourself”. Field trips and interactive projects let a child try out new things, while each different subject in school gives them a taste of what could await them in the