Statement Of Purpose Sample For Liberty University

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Statement of Purpose
Obtaining a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership through Liberty University has always been a goal since receiving my Master of Education in Administration and Supervision through Liberty. It is a natural part of my educational and spiritual growth which I have long wished to pursue. I feel that my wealth of experience and education in the field of elementary education has prepared me for the next steps, which will be a doctoral degree in the field of education. Throughout my life I have strived to walk in the “light” of the Lord and continue to strengthen my walk with each passing day. In my field of public education, it is not appropriate to quote bible scriptures, but one can surely emulate Christian-like behavior …show more content…

As a Christian, I believe that God’s children should excel in their fields therefore increasing their opportunity to spread His love and “light” on the world. In my current field of education, I serve as a Vice Principal of an elementary school. I am responsible for approximately 900 students and 100 staff members. I call the students my “babies” as they range from grades pre-school to fifth grade. They are my little lambs that I feel dedicated to and responsible for their welfare. It is my duty, not only to take care of the students, but also the adult staff who are directly responsible for supporting the students. They consist of classroom teachers, teacher’s aides, reading and math specialists, gifted and special education teachers, music, physical education and art teachers, as well as librarians, custodians, secretaries, book keepers and cafeteria workers. All of them make up the school family or the “village” as I like to refer to it. Each of these individuals make up the moving parts of a successful school experience for the students. My principal and I are at the helm of this giant machine and are indeed responsible for ensuring every student succeeds. In an effort to continue my personal mission of helping students, I’m sure that continuing my education through the obtainment of a doctoral degree in education will increase my knowledge and ability to serve …show more content…

As a school Principal, I will have the opportunity to shape and mold my staff in a way that promotes student growth and success. With my military experience and work as an elementary teacher, a director of youth programs and a Vice Principal, I have learned many things that I can use to run a successful school. I believe that I am a “servant leader”, which means that I humbly lead the charge, but with complete acknowledgement of the help of others. Jointly, we work together for the betterment of the students in our charge. I feel that teachers must be passionate and committed to students, or consider working in another field. As stated earlier, these are my little lamb babies that need nourishment and care. We give them that through providing not only the best education, but also making them feel safe and cared for in our school family or “village”. Eventually, after a number of years as a school principal, my goal is to progress to district level where I can have an influence of many schools in the division. As a servant for the Lord, I will be able to sit at the table where policies are being made that impact more than one elementary