
Steve Jobs Research Paper

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According to recent stocks, Apple Inc is worth over $901.41 U.S. dollars. But none of that would have happened without their founder, Steve Jobs. Even though some people think he was a cruel CEO with a perfectionist vision, no one can deny what he has done for the tech world. Steve Jobs changed the world of corporations and technology. From an early age it seemed Jobs was destined for a career in technology. His biological mother put him up for adoption when he was a baby. He was given to his adopted parents with a promise that he would receive proper education his entire life. In early schooling he was genius, but extremely unfocused. His teachers at the time wanted immensely to move him up in grade level, though his parents rejected that …show more content…

When he went to college in Portland, he ended up dropping out and took a seven month trip to India. After he return in 1975, Jobs’ friend, Steve Wozniak, showed him his pet project: the Apple l. Jobs was the first to suggest him try to sell it. It didn’t sell amazing, but it didn’t sell poorly. Then, in 1977, the Apple ll was release and was one of the first successful massproductions of the time. After two years sales were over $200 million. By 1978 Jobs’ was a millionaire. The new company went public, with an IPO that made three-hundred shareholders millionaires instantly. Apple was a huge …show more content…

That goal they did accomplish, but it was to expensive for everyday buyers. Jobs then bought Pixar, with the goal of making the first fully CGI movie. That movie was Toy Story. Soon after, he made Pixar a public company, with his own share of 80% worth one million dollars alone. Now lasting success for Jobs was finally ready to happen. Meanwhile the company he had founded and left, Apple, was struggling. Without Jobs’ business strategies, Apple had lost over $108 million. So they bought Jobs’ new company, NeXT computers, and he returned as CEO. To generate more money for the company, he made a deal with microsoft that made them $150 million. Then Microsoft helped them to complete and make affordable, the IMac. After that was smooth sailing for Jobs and Apple. Things were good when Jobs resigned in 2011 for health reasons. He died later that year of pancreatic

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