Student Athletes Should Be Paid

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For a normal high school student their routine is always the same. Wake up, go to school, come home, watch TV or relax, and the common phrase of “oh I’ll do my homework later.” While a student athlete has to go to school and the to their sport of choice then they have to do their homework, so their grades don't slip and preventing them from participating in their sport of choice. While many may argue that our high school shouldn't be funded from lack of proper education I believe that our high should fund sports because, sports teach skills needed in the job world and can improves grades. You see in sports movies and TV shows that the athletes have a strong sense of leadership, well that isn't just a silver screen concept. Steve Reinemund, former Chairman and CEO of Pepsico, has stated, “In my 30 years in …show more content…

At most schools you have to have a certain grade point average to remain on the team; at Oak Creek East Middle school in order to remain in the sport you can’t have two failing grades. In the event that an athlete has two failing grades the are suspended from practice, games, or meets until their grades get up. In contrast people could argue that school sports aren’t funded in foreign countries, and they are ranked higher in the world in the subjects like math and science. According to the article, The Case For High School Sports, “In China, for example, a girl who wants to pursue competitive gymnastics must be identified at a young age, may then be removed from her family, and thrust into rigorous habitual training. Academics become secondary.”(The Case For High School Sports) This proves that if a school doesn't have school sports the child may choose to focus on sports rather than school. While with the option of sports being offered while they are also in school would make the child have to focus on sports and