Syllabus Review Answers

884 Words4 Pages

Sierra Davis
Mr. Christopher Muro
State & Local Government
19 January 2016
Syllabus Review Questions
1. Under the “Important Notice Regarding Contribution Grading Policy” the Syllabus outlines what is expected of the student during class to receive a high contribution score. Some examples of what the instructor is looking for are classroom participation, being prepared for class, attendance, and classroom etiquette. These will be evaluated on an individual basis, and will constitute a significant portion of the student’s grade. Good attendance, completion of homework, and active engagement in class discussions with relevant information, will receive a higher grade than those who cause distractions or disruptions by failing to meet those …show more content…

According to the Grading Rubric for Classroom Discussions, the variables to receive a grade of “A” are Participation, use of college level language, Civility and Demeanor, and Critical Thinking. The student should be professional in vocabulary and manner when discussing the topics, bring new ideas to the discussion, and offer questions and arguments in a constructive manner. In other words, the students should be polite and help expand each other's world view. For Quizzes and Tests, the student will be graded on their use of college level language and writing skills, the quality of information, concept development, and readability. To receive a grade of A the responses to test questions should be well developed, well written, use relevant information from class discussions, and be legible. For Dropbox assignments, the student must use college level language in their writing, and should not use first person pronouns. The information presented must be relevant to the topic, logically structured, and answer all parts of the questions or instructions related to the assignment. There should be, at least, seventy five percent original writing in assignments turned into the dropbox. The assignments should also follow the MLA …show more content…

All people are to be treated with respect, and all opinions are equally valid. Students must behave like adults and be professional and polite in all interactions. Failure to do so, and the use of inappropriate language will result in disciplinary action.
5. It is the student’s responsibility to know the due dates of assignments, and plan to have them completed by that due date. The professor will not grade late work. A late assignment will receive a grade of zero. To request an extension, the student must contact the professor at least twenty four hours before the assignment is due. An extension is not guaranteed, but it will only be considered if the student meets this requirement.
6. All assignments submitted online must be in Rich Text Format (.rtf). Assignments will be considered late if they are turned in after the due date, are in anything other than .rtf, and if the assignment was not attached when submitted. It is the student’s responsibility to turn the assignment in, on time, and in the proper