TRICOR Mission Statement

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Look up and tell us your organization’s mission statement. Evaluate your organization’s mission statement including: Is it comprehensive or concise? Is it clear, easy to remember, and does it energize employees? Does it delineate the products or services offered by the organization? Does it delineate the market the organization serves, who the targeted customers are, and how the organization will meet the customers’ needs? What is your organization’s competitive advantage and is the mission statement consistent with the competitive advantage? Remember, the Initial Post is your opportunity to demonstrate your depth of understanding of the assigned chapters and your research. I’m looking for a cohesive graduate level discussion based on evidence! …show more content…

TRICOR was created as a public service and is non-governmentally funded to provide the occupational and life skills training for Tennessee’s incarcerated population. TRICOR’s programming provides job training, program opportunities and transitional services. These items are designed to assist the offender population that will soon be released back into society. These items are offered to the offenders to assist with successful reintegration into a world to which may be unfamiliar. Some offenders have never had a job much less been allowed to work with the average blue collar worker. According to our text, the mission statement is formulated to define the purpose of an organization (Parnell, 2014). TRICOR’s mission is simply stated, clear and concise. As an employee of TRICOR, I can honestly say that the mission statement is easy to remember. When all else fails, it is often referred to as energy for the employees of the organization. The mission statement does delineate the market to which it serves and the targeted