Teaching Philosophy Statement

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As a future educator, I believe that in addition with lectures and seminars combined with multiple hands on experiences, I can become a knowledgeable teacher. Since I have completed all of my course work with some hands on experiences, I have enough tools in my toolbox to start student teaching. From the new experiences I get including, constructive feedback, positive or negative, I will be able to take all of this experience and make it into a great learning opportunity that I will carry along with me through my teaching career. I believe, that three specific qualities will lend me to be a successful teacher.

The first quality that I have that will make me an effective teacher, is my ability to build relationships with individual students. This is the most important factor as a teacher, because without establishing relationships, the trust between the student and teacher will decrease, which can affect the success of the student. When there is trust between a teacher and student many obstacles can be solved through working together. Students will have a much …show more content…

Having this quality will not only make my day better, but as well as the lead teacher’s and all of the students’ day better. I am able to plan for the upcoming weeks and revise as necessary to meet student’s needs, gather all of the materials, and then have them ready to go in a week in advance so when it is time to implement my plans, I have everything I need and nothing has been left behind. Also, being well organized to me is putting materials and manipulatives back in their correct place, so they can be easily found for the next time they are needed. I also will be keeping all materials or manipulatives that I create in one space so that if that idea needs to be revisited or a material can be used in another way then its primary focus was, it will be easily

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