Teaching Philosophy Statement

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This class was interesting as it was the first time I taught about when I would actually be teaching in the school. It became a bit more real when we were discussing what kinds of activists we would do when we are in the classroom and what challenges we might face.
To be an effective teacher, there will always be some challenges. One challenge is to be responsive to students feelings and to our own feelings, as students may say things that I might not like and I don't want a classroom full of conflict. Flowers states all of us have prejudices and stereotypes and it is impossible not to, but a good HR teacher will before going to class recognise this as teachers need to lead students by example and to teach human rights through human rights. …show more content…

Firstly, I as a teacher need to brief and ask how many students are? what are there learning characteristics is there anyone with a learning disability? Secondly, there needs to be a syllabus with a learner outcome which use the core competencies for secondary students which are grouped under three headings: knowledge and understanding, attitudes and values, and skills. As a teacher for HRE, I am also a facilitator. A facilitator can’t use propaganda as I should be neutral. The good characteristics of a facilitator include being inclusive, being able to listen, having patience. A facilitator is not a lecturer, and is not dismissive, you are not a person in charge or the centre of attention. A facilitator needs to create a safe environment, to be reassuring and be friendly and open and be interested in what people say. Thirdly, a HRE then chooses their learning activities. To start off an ice breaker is beneficial. Flowers gives examples of ice breakers that are useful to start off a class, an example is ‘telling your story’ of a time when they stood up for themselves and their personal dignity. This allows students to understand the other person and breaks down boundaries as people can get to know each other better and therefore get to know us as teachers better. Learning activities include group work which encourages co-operation and builds communication skills, it also encourages decision making such as who will speak? Problem solving can be used to think critically about the problem. The more interactive the better such as, role play and debates. Flowers gives an exceptionally useful index of methods, techniques and activities on page 167.I am concentrating on icebreakers, images and brainstorming. Depending on if I had more time and subject to resources I believe from my own enjoyment that film and video are a great way to engage students. Techniques used that sat well for me in school was always group work. ‘The