Multiple Intelligence And Temperamental Differences Analysis

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As all of us know that children’s in one class have many individual differences that we should look at it for each specific child as unique and new. For example, gender, temperament, interests, learning styles, life experiences, cultures and special needs. In this paper I will be focusing in two of children’s individual differences which are Multiple Intelligence and Temperamental Differences.

According to Chess and Thomas (1987) Temperament can be best defined as behavioral style or individual differences which refers to personality part or characteristic way that individual responds to it either emotionally or physically. There are 9 temperamental differences between the children’s according to Thomas and Chess (1977). such as, Activity, …show more content…

In the classroom multiple intelligence can be best defined as trying to integrate as much as possible of different learning styles. There are similarities between learning styles and multiple intelligences, according to Gardner in this article (What Does the Research Say?. (2016) that learning styles are the way in which an individual can approximates and complete a range of tasks. However, multiple intelligences might focus more in the intellectual abilities of a person. According to Howard Gardner (1983) who had developed the theory of multiple intelligences. Who’s work result had shown that intelligence thinking refers to the “IQ” level. However, he argued that IQ test can only measure linguistic and logical- mathematical abilities. Gardner said that there are nine different kinds of intelligence. Which are linguistic or verbal, Spatial or Visual, Mathematical or Logical, Rhythmic or Musical, Kinesthetic or Bodily, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Naturalistic and Existential. Teachers can apply their teaching techniques by distinguish the roles between the students according to their intelligences. For example, if a class had tripe to animal Zoo after the visit I can give them assignment in which all of them should explain what the saw in the Zoo depending on their intelligence areas. For instance, as a teacher I can use a child who has linguistic skills to be a storyteller in the same time I can use Spatial or Visual child to draw or take a pictures of the animals to finish the assignment task, child with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence can act out stories before writing it on the paper, child with musical intelligence can make film or write a song about the journey or sing a song. Intelligence in nature and nurture view that it is most of it comes from genetic and it can be depend on personal experiences and education which influences intelligences