
The Abortion Debate

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One of the most controversial topics throughout history has been abortion. The controversy is that we are no longer dealing with one life but two. Abortion is legal throughout many areas of the world. What is the big deal? Is the women’s choice to abort the baby more important than the life of a baby? Even though it’s the woman's choice, abortion is wrong because it's murder and there is always another way. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, an abortion is defined as “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.” In even simpler terms, one person lives, and the other does not. Can we even call this embryo or fetus a human? The definition of a fetus is …show more content…

The woman has found herself in a sticky situation and she never meant to get pregnant. The pregnancy was an accident. How can she fix this problem? Many women today turn to abortion because it’s a quick fix and no one needs to know. They don’t realize the pain and regret that comes along with the pain of losing a baby. Is the only reason to abort a baby for convenience sake? The answer is no because there are a lot of cases that women abort their babies because of medical issues or the unfortunate event of being raped. From my personal experience, I was offered to abort my baby because he wasn’t going to make it. He would only live for mere seconds or hours because of his medical condition anencephaly. My son lived for 17 hours and 6 minutes. Therefore, if I would have gotten an abortion I would have never had that time with him. There are women all over the world that didn’t get a chance to choose whether they wanted to engage in the sexual activity that led to their pregnancy. It is very heartbreaking and along with the trauma of being raped they now must decide what to do with the baby. It really doesn’t seem fair, so abortion must be okay for these girls because of their situation. In all reality, most people would agree with the previous statement. Do any of the previous scenarios make abortion right? The baby can not speak for themselves and will never get to if the …show more content…

Each mother should know her options fully and do a lot of research to make the correct decision. A couple of options that are available are open or closed adoption. An open adoption is “the biological family gets to have direct contact and interaction with the child.” The choice of openness in the adoption is a choice that can be made with the adoptive parents. If the woman chooses a closed adoption, “A closed adoption is just that – closed. You and your family will not have contact with the biological family. And though you won’t know their names, you will know their basic medical information and health history.” The woman chooses this was a mistake or another family can raise her kid better and just cut ties altogether. If adoption is chosen, it is a very hard decision and the mom has put her baby’s needs above her own. The other option that is also a very courageous choice is to keep the baby. Understanding the reality, it is going to be a life changing decision but worth it in the end. This decision should not be taken lightly, and the following things need to be considered: living accommodations, support for the baby and mom, paying medical expenses, and insurance. Getting a support group and going to counseling will be a huge benefit for the mother and family involved. These people may not like the choice that was made, but they will stand beside the mother no matter what. Which

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