
The Abortion Debate

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Many people in the United Stated have abortions each year, under various circumstances. However, people disagree on the conditions in which abortions are done, or disagree with the idea completely. Abortion is the chosen termination of a pregnancy, and is an available option in many areas because of different doctors offices or Planned Parenthood facilities. Abortion became a heavily debated around the time of Roe V. Wade, when the United States determined that it was legal for a woman to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion is a heavily debated topic because of moral beliefs, religious beliefs, and women’s rights. This debate should be seen as a concern because it separates the people of this country. This topic would not be the issue it is without …show more content…

For example, some people believe that abortion is never an acceptable option because the fetus cannot make the decision to live or die for itself and the mother is “killing” her baby because she does not want to take care of it or put it up for adoption. Iowa Right to Life believes this saying that “The baby living in her mother is as distinct and unique a person/human being as you are from me, and as deserving of the protection under the law as we are.” This viewpoint is very one-sided, but not all viewpoints are. Some people do not feel as strongly and try to see both sides. CNN shows this kind of viewpoint by simply trying to change the audience’s minds about the stereotypes of people getting abortions. The viewpoint attempts to connect the two sides while staying impartial on the topic. An example of this is shown when the article says, “According to one survey, 62% of women who had abortions listed a religious affiliation”(Willingham and Christensen). This evidence shows that beliefs are more wide ranged and that abortions happen with all kinds of people. The British Broadcasting Corporation displays a similar viewpoint, but with a slight difference. It supports the idea that compromise may be smarter by considering whether or not each case has good reason, stating that “We need to ask whether having an abortion is less wrong than the alternatives” (BBC). All kinds of opinions are shared on the topic of abortion and what should be controlled with it, but what opinion should be acted

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