
The Children Who Escape The Nazi's Summary

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It was a dark period during the 1930s in Germany. The Jewish were being mistreated and verbally abused. Soon, when Adolf Hitler rose to power, Jewish men, women, and children were being captured from their homes and taken to concentration camps to suffer, through emotional and physical torture. Jewish parents wanted the best for their children so they sent them away to Britain so they wouldn't have to experience such torment. The nonfictional article, “The Children Who Escaped the Nazi’s” by the Editors of Scope included information about a fourteen year old girl, Lore Sulzbacher, a child who was sent to Britain. Lore Sulzbacher and other children who were sent away, suffered the challenges of separation, living in a brand new environment, and being sent away to strangers. …show more content…

Separation was a major challenge that the children and parents had to go through. As soon as the train took off, the children didn’t know if they would ever be able to see their families again. It was a devastating and scary moment for each of the children. According to the article, a participant of the Kindertransport, Lore Sulzbacher, didn’t know how to express her emotions when she was leaving. For example, “at the train station Lore’s parents insisted they would see her again. As the train hauled itself out of the station, all Lore could do was stare out the window until her mom and dad disappeared from sight” (Editors of Scope). In this quote the author shows how Lore, didn’t know exactly what was going to happen. The quote demonstrates a full representation about how the children were nervous and didn’t know what to expect. Lore kept looking back because apart of her knew that there was a chance, that she may never see her parents

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