The Hero's Journey In The Hunger Games And The Goonies

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The Hunger Games and Gooniesnies are alike and different in their approach to The Hero's Journey. The Hunger Games and The Goonies are very similar and have differences the. In the Hunger Games and The Goonies Ordinary world, Call to adventure, Refusal, Mentor Helper, Crossing The Threshold, Test/Allies, Enemies, Approach, Ordeal, Reward, Road Back, Atonement, and Return. All these in the hero's journey take place in theHunger Gamess and The Goonies.

In the ordinary world part of the Hero's Journey there are many similarities and differences. One similarity is either way you could die from this situation. As in The Hunger GamesinDistrictt 12, they do a picking every year, it depends on your age and how many times your name goes into the …show more content…

In The Goonies there was a refusal where Mikey's brother did want to go where this map of one eyed willie's treasure. Now in The Hunger Games no one really cares how Katniss was gonna volunteer. These refusals are way different. While Katniss is worried about after she leaves for the games of how Prim and her mom are gonna survive without her. A similarity between the refusal is how Katniss or Mikey's friends/brothers don't wanna go on his adventure because they could lose their life from this as in The Hunger Games Katniss can die from her going. Mikeys did not approve of his …show more content…

While in The Hunger Games Haymitch and Gale is a helpers to Katniss, Katniss has experience with a bow and arrow and it will help her in The Hunger Games. In The Goonies Chester cooper pot the guy who discovered this map with the news paper as chester cooper pot has the key to one eyed willy. The similarite between this is as these people in both books will help them and work together as a team to get what they want at the end of the day. The difference I see is in Hunger Games Katniss doesn't know Haymitch as well, in The Goonies Mikey's friend group all know each other while there in the glub of The Goonies. Katniss is having mixed feelings about