The Importance Of Incivility In The Workplace

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Cultivating Healthful Environments Incivility in the workplace was once a remote issue; however, it has increasingly shown concern in the workplace and how it affects nursing staff as well as patient care. Workplace incivility is identified as a behavior with a vague intent to harm someone while having no concern for workplace standards or respect for others (Laschinger, Wong, Cummings, & Grau, 2014). Incivility negatively impacts interpersonal and professional relationships, diminishes nurses’s care provided to patients, and provides more room for medication errors and patient dissatisfaction (Abdollahzadeh, Asghari, Ebrahimi, Rahmani, & Vahidi, 2017). Prevention methods need to be warranted to limit workplace incivility to provide nursing staff with increased self-esteem, and to provide quality of care that is safe to all patients. Organizational outcomes are also negatively impacted when it comes to incivility. The organization experiences increased turnover and decreased job satisfaction (Abdollahzadeh et al., 2017). Incivility is an issue that needs to be addressed to promote and maintain an effective health care organization. This paper outlines the importance of incivility and its impact on nursing, provides a scenario of incivility in practice, describes three strategies to create healthful workplace environments, identifies two strategies to be implemented in my specialty track, and provides a summary of key points and a self-reflection. Impact of Incivility in