The HITECH Act was developed so encourage the dissemination of health information technology, which was believed to facilitate improved patient and decrease the cost of healthcare for patients. Yet, even though hospitals are receiving incentives and are adhering to requirements placed on them, nursing staff are struggling due to interruption in workflow and loss in productivity due to time spent learning to use an electronic health record. Nurses are also challenged with technical issues that arise, while providing patient care, which limits their access to patient information. Nevertheless, advantages due to exist to utilizing electronic health record, which include less medical errors, and an improvement in the overall health of populations.
The resources above expanded on knowledge concerning the definition, evolution, proposed outcomes, research and the technology of meaningful use of the electronic health record. Nursing administrators, staff nurses, and nursing informaticists all perform an essential role in achieving meaningful use of the electronic medical record to improve patient care. Certain authors referenced other authors proving that the health information technology field is indeed a tightknit community. The resources were well written from highly credentialed authors and were, for the most part, easy to comprehend. All of these articles were written for the nursing professional with the exception of resource
According to Barrett, when attempting to define what nursing science is, it remains quite a mystery. With various different worldviews, with wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge evolving over time, has made it a challenge to come with a universal definition. To ensure that nurses are current with the best practical and evidence based practices, it is important to focus on nursing-discipline-specific knowledge. Fawcett stresses the importance of using nursing discipline-specific knowledge in the form of explicit nursing conceptual models, because it governs the foundation of what and why nurses do what they do. Fawcett makes it clear that nurses must develop adequate knowledge in order to apply new evidence based treatments and
(2022, September 16). Your guide to a career in nursing informatics. Coursera. Retrieved February 3, 2023, from Cummins, M. R., Gundlapalli, A. V., Murray, P., Park, H. A., Lehmann, C. U., & Gundlapalli, A. V. (2016). Nursing informatics certification worldwide: history, pathway, roles, and motivation.
Using IT to reduce the number of descriptions are taking place during the same time implementation and other task occurring in the nursing unit. Challenges Experienced during an Informatics
Obtaining certification in a specialty area is one way a nurse confirms she has achieved the necessary knowledge and skill within that practice area to be considered above average (Rauen, Shumate, & Gendron-Trainer, 2016). In order to realize my goal of board certification as a master’s prepared informatics nurse, I must first gain the required education, expertise, and competence through classes and practice experiences. This paper will discuss how each MSN core course, each MSN specialty course, and each potential practice experience will improve upon the competencies needed to obtain board certification in informatics after obtaining my MSN from American Sentinel University. MSN Core Courses MSN Role Development (N501PE)
Role of Graduate Nurse in Informatics are: 1) computer generated nursing care plan for each patient. 2) reminder and prompts that appear during documentation to ensure comprehensive charting. 3) help as a communication aid to other health care professionals taking care of the same patient. For example, Electronic Health Record. The role of Advanced Practice Nurses and Registered Nurses are same in Informatics regarding accessing, protecting and documenting patients Electronic Health Record(EHR).
In general, the ANA defines their position as overseeing the integration of data, information and knowledge to support decision-making by patients and their healthcare providers. Nursing informatics supports nurses, patients, and the healthcare team. This is a specialty field that
I will summarize each outcome for the Nursing Informatics specialty. For the intent of this paper I will use outcome and competency interchangeably. The first outcome means the ability to gather healthcare information across the continuum of care; combine and utilize the information gathered to develop a process. Finally execution of that process to evaluate its ability to improve the quality of the healthcare environment. Healthcare managers are constantly assessing patients and collecting information.
Healthcare professionals play a role in quality management process by taking accurate patient information using the electronic health record system. Technology with professional knowledge of nursing improves quality of patient care and general quality management process in the healthcare. The baccalaureate nurse involves an integration of nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are fundamental to improving quality and safety of patients in the healthcare
Using SWOT analysis, the “Strength” would be to motivate and engage registered nurses who are supportive of the management and leadership of the nurse managers. Using eIMR has the potential of reducing healthcare cost and medication error; which can enhance patient safety (Spratt and Dickson, 2088). It can also promote positive attitude of nurses towards computerisation (Kipturgo et al., 2014). “Weakness” in SWOT analysis would be the time and resources required to train the nursing staff in using the eIMR system. Extra budget is needed for training the nursing staff and a new IT support teams is needed for the new system.
Social media platforms continue to change the healthcare landscape by allowing for users to see a variety of information and points of view. Social media can be used for information and education, marketing, recruiting, and news updates. Healthcare organizations and consumers can utilize social media to improve health and knowledge. Social media can also be used for research, disease tracking, and to monitor trends. This paper discusses the controversial public health topic of abortion and what people are saying regarding it on Twitter.
As mentioned before, an increase of technology use is a major influence on nursing, the introduction of evidence-based practice in the professional field and in the educational environment plays a role in a nurse’s everyday life. Also, there are the changes in society itself that benefit the nursing profession. For example, the breaking of stereotypical gender roles in society results in male nurses
Providing care to a patient is a particularly challenging process that requires a great deal of effort from a nurse. A nurse’s ability to give quality care to their patient is an important aspect to a patient’s life both now and in the future. As such, nurses must exhibit specific qualities in their practice in order to maintain the best standard of care for their patients. Given this, I believe that the standards of knowledge, advocacy, and self-awareness are foundational to the nursing practice and to a nurse’s capacity to provide quality patient care. Knowledge
Gardner’s effort on multiple intelligences from past two decades has been quite significant. It was identified that intelligence is basically the ability for solving issues that are actually valued with in the cultural practice. According to Meunier (2003), when adults are able to learn from their lives from multiple intelligence models, they are able to find liberation in inspecting potentials which were never developed or highlighted. Programs for self-development from hobbies, programs and courses can mainly re-integrate the native intelligences of an individual in a way that can be satisfying from personal perspective. Discussion When it comes to multiple intelligence types and factors involved in clinical practices, we often realize