The Importance Of Task-Based Instruction

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Language classrooms are the place that supports and involve learners in their learning journey. Instructional tasks play a vital role in the language learning environment (Ellis, 2003:1). The task types used in instruction have strong influence on students ' performance. Accordingly, the curriculum designers make effort to design tasks which create the context that involves and helps the leaners to communicate effectively (Ellis, 2003; Willis, 1996). Task-Based Instruction (TBI) does not only help to create language learning context but also offer chances to employ meaningful activities so that the use of communicative language in the classroom is promoted.

Significance of the Study

This study addresses the lack of study on employing task-based instruction in EFL speaking classroom. Though TBI has been investigated in ESL (English as a second language) classrooms, there are only a few studies on EFL speaking classrooms at the university level. Hence, this study might offer educators in general and teachers in particular at the university level some general information and a new tool for the improvement of learners ' speaking skills.
Locally, this study might encourage the improvement of speaking course design in the process of curriculum renewal at Van Lang University. Besides, it also motivates to have a more careful examination of TBI in all language areas. Some experience in task-based speaking instruction might support teachers in designing tasks which