The Influence Of Consumer Behavior At NBB

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NBB strives to become leading company in sustainable methods so they seek vendors who share the same vision and qualities. NBB, looks at ; “transportation, packaging, waste and carbon dioxide emissions, create high involvement corporate culture which value everyone”(NBB,2016). They make sure that the life cycle of this product is sustainable they consider the social policies and procedures. They follow a set of guidelines to ensure the company and suppliers are in alignment. The relationship between the company and consumer behavior is always on the minds of NBB. They know that when the employees are happy it will be felt in the customer service that they give in the form of great tasting beer and a healthy planet and content customers of the NBB company. The company consistently bring innovative methods with engineering that continues to give a consumer approved product and good tasting beer. …show more content…

NBB, now has “branding strategies that are as rooted in our company value as in other business practices”(NBB, 2016). According to google finance they suggest that NBB is at the three position of having the best craft beer here in the United States (Google Finance, 2016). NBB understands that their employees play a huge role in production of their commodity. They operate by giving a healthy benefit package to their employees. For instance, an, “onsite medical clinic at Fort Collins site for coworkers and their dependents”(NBB, 2016). There are a vast amount of details in human resources and care package for their employees and human resource services. New Belgium Brewery, desired more sustainability in management so they hired the Brendale Group to assist with the transformation of