Foodborne Diseases

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Without a doubt, one can say that migration would play a negative role when it comes to the spreading of diseases globally. Whether it is done through the movement of people, food and manufactured goods, there can be negative impacts in public health. (Health and Globalization)
In order to curb such an issue, structures need to be put in place to combat the spread of these global diseases. More attention can be paid when it comes to quarantine and screening at various entry ports of nations around the world. When people, animals, plants or other goods might have been exposed to contaminated or infectious sources, restrictions of movement need to be put in place. With regards to screening, this helps identify any people, animals, plants or goods …show more content…

Developed countries would import food from other countries that would bear a cheaper cost in the production or growing of these various types of foods. The World Health Organization states that “Foodborne diseases encompass a wide spectrum of illnesses and are a growing public health problem worldwide. They are the result of ingestion of foodstuffs contaminated with microorganisms or chemicals. The contamination of food may occur at any stage in the process from food production to consumption (“farm to fork”) and can result from environmental contamination, including pollution of water, soil or …show more content…

Scientists, working with farmers, have now found ways to unlock the genetic codes of many plants and animals for the sake of improving these organisms. These changes may involve making them more resistant to parasites, grow faster, or yield higher quantities of protein.” The website also went on to tell us that “this practice also has generated fierce controversy, raising concerns about the ethics of tampering with life as well as health concerns.” It went on to define a GMO as an organism (either a virus, a bacterium, or a more complex life-form) whose genetic makeup has been altered by humans for a specific purpose. One of the more common motivations for genetic modification is to increase the nutritional content, yield, or pest resistance of crops.” (Health and

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