
The Pros And Cons Of Bringing Back Extinction Species

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“Should we bring extinct species back from the dead?” (David Shultz “Should we bring extinct species back from the dead,” 2018) I agree with this amazing idea to bring back extinct species. Many animals that went extinct were major “keystones” in their environments and affected many other species. By bringing back certain species we could slow down global warming. However, some argue that some species cannot adapt to the environment and would seriously affect the ecosystem but that’s not the case. Scientists are seriously thinking of bringing back extinct species for more than just fun and games. They are mainly thinking of bringing back species like the woolly mammoth and the passenger pigeon. The woolly mammoth lived in the arctic …show more content…

This could repopulate the area, encouraging the revival of ancient grasslands, which could slow the rate of melting permafrost and, therefore, reduce carbon emissions” (Sencer “Should we Bring Back Extinct species,” 2018) By doing this it would help slow down global warming. This would help the populations health and climate for future generations. By bringing back certain extinct species we could figure out how certain animals function and how they are built. We could also collect research and find out what kind of ecosystems they lived in. Which could lead scientists to find out why those animals went extinct. But some are against this amazing idea. They may argue that “De-extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive; their habitats and food sources have changed, so their roles in these changed ecosystems could be too.” (Breanna Draxler “5 Reasons to Bring Back Extinct Animals (And 5 Reasons Not To),” 2018) However that isn’t true, by bringing back certain extinct species it could benefit ecosystems. If new species are brought into the environment

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