
The Pros And Cons Of Designing Children's Genes

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Designing children’s genes is largely debated across the globe, but is it ethical? Geneticists have found a way to enhance children's genes to modify their appearance and behavioral traits. Many parents design their child’s genes and DNA. I do not believe this is right. The process can be harmful to the baby. It is not proven to be one-hundred percent effective every time. This procedure is also very expensive. A significant amount of parents modify their children, but some side effects are unknown. Debates have focused mainly on the fact that the children have no say. Although this is true it is not the main point. The baby can be born with defects because people were trying to make the baby normal. I do not believe that designing children to be genetically “perfect” is ethical or right-minded because the child could be harmed, it is not guaranteed to work, and only the rich can afford the procedure. No parent wants to harm their unborn baby. Modifying the children’s genes could potentially hurt the child. The baby could be born with a countless number of side effects or it could possibly not be born at all. Defects and different syndromes can be caused by the process. The average risk of colon cancer is 4.49%. This risk is significantly higher for …show more content…

32% of people who opt for having a designer baby do so in aspirations that they can prevent disease for their child but this is not always a guarantee. Many designed children are not born in the form of perfection that the parents wanted. The success rate for designer babies is 30-40%. People could potentially spend so much money just for it to go to waste and still have to deal with the disease that you modified your child not to have. “Say for example, paying $19,000 for a dog that turns out to be a cat.” That is the way designer babies are. It is a luck of the draw situation. You either get what you want or you get the exact

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