The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun control is a heated topic in the current presidential election. Each party is on the extremes of one side when in reality the best path is to meet in the middle with compromises and make the most ideal policy. Nobody is saying that all guns are going to be banned and the second amendment is going to be ratified any time soon, but there needs to be more limitations so evil people cannot access them. Gun control laws are not going to stop senseless shootings, or lower the crime rates. Gun violence in America is first among developed countries in total gun deaths and this needs to be lowered with laws that deny access of firearms to bad guys and increase the amount of trained, armed military or security personnel. Background checks should be mandatory for all people interested in purchasing a firearm and should only be sold by licensed dealers. My ideal system of gun control would be simply limiting the people who can obtain firearms. Guns don’t kill people, bad people kill people. Anybody on any terrorist watch list should have frequent background checks and should …show more content…

Some people say that there are not enough gun control laws in place and anybody can just get any gun they want and go kill mass amounts of people. The other side is there are too many gun control laws in place and that it is unconstitutional to take away all firearms and allow nobody to have these deadly weapons. Automatic firearms, rocket launchers, and bazookas are illegal for the public without a license and should remain so because there is no legit reason for someone to have access to these. Assault rifles are used for target practice and personal protection. Assault rifles should be allowed just as any other pistol or shotgun as long as they are significant measures in place so that there are background checks and a complicated process. Violent crime rates would decrease once the enforced police presence is

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