The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution gives the people the “ keep and bear Arms…” (“Second Amendment” 1). Thousands of different kinds of people interpret this amendment in hundreds of different ways. The issue regarding gun control leads back to the decision to push for or against more gun control laws. The citizens of the United States all have one concern in common: reduce the frequency of gun violence, mass shootings, and crime. The National Rifle Association is an organization that promotes gun rights. Moreover, they fight to enforce the existing federal gun laws and to defend Americans' right to protect themselves. The website consists of articles like the “National Journal ‘Study’ Promoting Gun Control: ‘F’ …show more content…

In other words, the higher the presence of firearms, the more likely tragedies occur accidentally or purposely. Research statistically shows that guns kept in households have been used as weapons forty-three times more than they have been used as self-defense (Parrish 3). Ann Parrish, an educated gun control advocate, also states that “...murders have occurred 2.7 times more frequently in households where guns were kept than in households with no guns on the premises” (3). However, in an outdated 1993 study conducted by Drs. Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, it is indicated “that guns are used for self-defense as many as 2.3 million times each year” (Wilson 2). Death comes hand-in-hand with the lack of the ability to own firearms. These same advocates argue that there are police officers responsible for the safety and protection of their citizens, so why then do the residents of the United States feel the need to give the people more guns? Why not make their jobs easier by decreasing the number of guns on the ground? Although it is the police officers’ duty to be responsible for the safeguard of the people, 3,800 police officers are not going to be at everyone’s side at every moment, and especially not at the exact time of need (Goldberg 11). By the time they arrive, it is more than likely that it is already too late. The same defenders claim that more gun control laws reduce the number of mass and school shootings. Laws encompassing different ways to reduce these shootings are up for consideration; particularly, the Cornyn Murphy Bill. This bill “contains a number of provisions designed to ensure that records are reported…” (Foran 4). In a nutshell, the bill introduces that stricter background checks are imperative for a decrease in school shootings. Indeed, many may presume that more accidental disasters would occur in the presence of more

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