The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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Gun Control does not need to be more enforced than it already is. Gun control has nothing to do with how criminals kill people, as most guns are bought illegally or smuggled in. Even if there is more gun control, people will still find ways to get and buy guns.
According to CDC.Gov, in 2014, there were 2.5 million deaths in the U.S, and only 13,000 of those deaths were gun-related. This just shows how rare it is that people commit murders with guns, not factoring in accidental deaths as well. Also, according to Politifacts.Com, only 3% of murderer’s guns were traced back to a source in 2015. Also, gun’s are tools. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people, enforcing more gun control would be like banning alcohol because it causes death. It isn’t the guns fault that the person wielding it killed somebody, it’s the person’s. Now, some might say that guns are used in war, and that illegal gangs and such use them, however, it is also the military’s job to kill people, and gangs, again, buy guns illegally. …show more content…

However, alcohol did get banned with the eighteenth amendment, and it got abolished. The same would most likely happen to guns, if guns were banned or extremely controlled, then people would riot, and more people would buy guns illegally, just like speakeasy's in the ‘20s. This, ironically, would probably lead to more homicides and deaths by guns. Now some might say that guns are used a lot in school shootings, which is true, but the kids got guns from their parents, or got them illegally. Take, for instance, the Massacre of November 29, 2015, which was at a school in Colorado Springs, where the gunman’s gun couldn’t be traced back to a legal

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