The Pros And Cons Of The Soda Ban

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“I respect being given information that enables me to make an informed decision. What I do not respect is having my civil liberties being stripped away.”(Stone,287) The soda ban is a limitation of the amount of sugar that can be in any sugary drink you purchase… from select places. Mayor Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York came up with a proposition on his own, thinking it was best for the people. Although some people think it is a good idea to limit the amount of soda a person can purchase, it is not. This is not a good idea because there are many loopholes, it interferes with our freedom, and there are bigger issues in the world.
One way the soda ban is wrong is because there are many loopholes within this limitation. In “Soda’s a problem but…” by Karin Klein, she says “Convenience stores such as 7-Eleven are overseen by the state and would be exempt, but a Burger King across the street would be restricted”.(Klein,288) This law is very unimportant if there is this many exceptions to the law. It is only a city law, therefore places that aren't under the city will still be able to sell any amount they want. “In restaurants and other establishments overseen by the city’s health inspectors, it would have been illegal to sell …show more content…

Obesity is a major problem, but soda is not the only problem. The people who think the soda ban was a good idea are wrong because this is not really the most important thing to worry about. “When Mayor Bloomberg implemented laws banning smoking in bars, parks and restaurants, that made sense.” (Stone,287) This shows that there are more important things to worry about. The Mayor banned smoking in these places, but no one really inforces this, therefore kids and adults still contract second hand smoke, which is way more important than soda. As you can see, the amount of soda someone chooses to buy is not a big