Kolb's Theory Of Experiential Learner

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The following study investigates the impact of experiential learning on learner’s life. The theory of experiential learning was given by David A Kolb, who was an American educational theorist whose study was focused on experiential learning and professional career. He gave the theory of experiential learning in 1984. His theory is based on four stage cycle and four stage of individual preparation. According to David A Kolb, learning is a process whereas knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. The four stage cycle consists of Concrete experience (doing/having an experience), reflective observation (reviewing /reflecting on the experience), abstract conceptualization (summarizing/gaining from the experience) and active experimentation (planning/implementing what you have learned).

1- Concrete Experience: A …show more content…

There is no one rule or style that has to be followed while learning. People learn things according to their nature and skills of their mind. Different theories have explained that different people naturally prefer a certain single different style. For instance: social enivroment, educational experiences, or basic style of an individual. Well, whatever the choic of style is, the learning style preference itself is basically a product of two separate choices that we make. These two choices are the Processing sequence ( how we approach a task) and perception sequence (our emotional experience or how we think or feel about different