Thorogood Publishing Ltd: The Effect Of Transformational Leadership

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Trmal, S. A., Ummi Salwa Ahmad, B. & Mohamed, Z. A. (2015). The Effect of Transformational Leadership. Global Business & Management Research, 7(2), 88-94. Transformational leadership style influences others with enthusiasm to follow and believe what interest the leader. The beliefs of the leader are usually for the benefit of the company or community. The characteristic trait of a transformational leader displays trust, confidence, belief, and inspiration. A charismatic leader inspires its follower to achieve a higher goal. The study shows how the transformational leader directs its follower to be successful by copying the format and training multiple leaders on different levels. Such as President Obama is an example of a transformational …show more content…

(2005). CHAPTER FIVE: Douglas McGregor (1906-1964). In, Gurus on People Management (pp. 35-41). Thorogood Publishing Ltd.

Theory X is a management style use to direct employees to perform work duties by leading in a dictatorial style. By implementing procedures that have penalties and intimidating consequences. Employees with this behavior style are to be structure and given details of daily procedures. Other strategies are implemented such as management by objective so the leader and employee define goals in order for task to be accomplished. Theory X employees are not motivated to perform efficiently based on characteristic of not caring. This type of employee does the less amount of work, just enough to get by. However, no matter what strategies are implemented some employees will not perform if there is no interest. Some employees extremely dislike their job and only work in positions for the incentives. So no matter what incentives are given that employee will produce the least amount of work. Individuals with that behavior trait only need to work in jobs that they have an interest.

Kermally, S. (2005). CHAPTER FIVE: Douglas McGregor (1906-1964). In, Gurus on People Management (pp. 35-41). Thorogood Publishing …show more content…

Can the employee become too comfortable with management and the employee motivation decline? A possible cause of decline in Theory Y the employee may loss trust in management. Sometimes promises are made but not sustained. But based on Theory X characteristics of the employee will still be motivated and committed to the perform task.

MALOS, R. (2012). LEADERSHIP STYLES. Annals Of Eftimie Murgu University Resita, Fascicle II, Economic Studies, 421-426.

Autocratic leader has a leadership style that gives directive of procedure and policies. This type of leader will watch employees methodically. Being autocratic has its pros and cons. For example, a law enforcement officer is an example of autocratic leader but in a positive manner. An autocratic leader who is controlling could be a negative, because it can cause resentment. This type of leader will have strong leadership skills and can make decision without receiving feedback form others. The leader will distrust other managers and will probably be involved in every area of the company. The advantage of being autocratic leader is assignments will be completed and the leader is able to handle unexpected situation without being stress. MALOS, R. (2012). LEADERSHIP STYLES. Annals Of Eftimie Murgu University Resita, Fascicle II, Economic Studies,