Three Ways Buying Organic Helps The Planet Analysis

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An Exploration of Actual Meaning of Organic Food Recent years, everyone promotes eating healthier and safer, so a lot of grocery stores start to sell those so-called organic food. Quite many consumers are willing to pay extra money for those organic food because they believe that organic food is more nutrition, or someone may even believe that organic food tastes better. Therefore, organic food has become more popular and has become new growing trend in recent years. However, the fact that a lot of consumers do not really know what the organic food is, or they just think that those kinds of food must be better when it has the USDA seal on the package, and the prices are little higher than those ordinary food. Therefore, this paper explores …show more content…

The reason why organic food helps the environment is that those chemical fertilizers are not given to the produce, which would not pollute the water and soil. In an online article, “Three Ways Buying Organic Helps the Planet,” the author, “Michelle Cowden,” says that organic actually has great positive impact on earth. In Cowden’s article, she talks about the advantage to the environment is that toxic chemicals are not given so much while farming. In conventional farming method, farmers would use a lot of pesticides to the produce for preventing insects, which is mentioned above. However, when fertilizers are given, it is also given into the land, so that those toxic chemical would stay on the land, which really harms the top soil. Cowden also says that, “a 37-year study done near Spokane, Washington comparing two wheat farms found the conventional farm lost more than eight inches of top soil while the organic farm lost only two inches of top soil. It takes on average 100 years to generate one millimeter of soil. Think of how much top soil could be saved if all farms adopted organic methods” (Cowden). Organic farming method not only can protect the soil, it but also can protect the water supply. As organic farming method is able to maintain the nutrients to the soil by using compost or animal manure instead of those chemical pesticides, it is also able to reduce the groundwater pollution. Accordingly, if the demand of organic food is higher, farmers will tend to change to organic farming methods, so that organic foods have positive impact to the