
Time Management Self-Assessment Paper

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Time Management
In this paper, I will provide information on my time management self-assessment. I will also discuss the one leadership theory that best describes my style. I will also discuss leadership versus management, and identify a suggestion on how to incorporate this week’s concepts into my working environment.
Time Management Self-Assessment
According to the time management assessment that is offered by Integrated Curriculum for Achieving Necessary Skills (I-CANS), I scored 24 points. This is a two-part test, the first part asks the questions “How well do I save time?” and the second part, “Do I throw time away?” The results from this test state that I am like most people and I need to consider ways to improve time management by looking at the suggestions in part one (I-CANS Time Management Assessment, n.d.). According to part one of the test, I should …show more content…

That is simply not the case and it’s important to differentiate between the two. They are, however, used interchangeably. It is important for organizations to have strong leaders and managers to be effective. “In today's dynamic workplace, we need leaders to challenge the status quo and to inspire and persuade organization members. We also need managers to assist in developing and maintaining a smoothly functioning workplace” (Bârgau, 2015, p. 197). Leaders are so important, without a good leader employees may lose hope and with that their dedication to the company diminishes. Many companies are all about the management aspect. Management is important because they problem solve, budget, and organize staffing. Leaders, however, give direction, motivate, and inspire. People need to be inspired and have someone encourage them and that’s what a good leader will do. I am fortunate to have a leader at my workplace that is also my manager. Having a manager that is a good leader is a philosophy that would benefit so much in the

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