
To What Extent Is Julius Caesar A Hero

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What is the definition of a hero? The dictionary definition is, “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Julius Caesar was a noble man who only wanted to do well for Rome, a true hero. The story, “Killing Caesar” by Jon Herman just gives more evidence of that fact. He ran Rome well and helped his people. Julius Caesar should always be remember as a hero.
Julius Caesar did not only run Rome well, he made the Roman Empire flourish. Caesar made sure things were moving forward constantly. He had grain ships, stated as “…the lifeblood of Rome” by Herman, were constantly flowing into Rome. This was supplying the people with more than what they needed! The Romans saw Julius Caesar as a blessing from the Gods because he was such an efficient ruler. Caesar conquered more territory for his people and what was good for the empire, not just for him to rule over. Caesar cared about the people he ruled over, everything he did was for the Roman citizens.
Additionally, Caesar helped the poor of Rome. With so much grain to use, the poor who used to beg for food, “…were now given free bread.” Caesar created jobs for Romans. The passage “Killing Caesar” states, “Caesar created jobs by building …show more content…

Those who believe that think Caesar was trying to be a ruler of all, more a God than an emperor. Those people believe that he wanted to be worshipped and even the most well-known Gods would be second to him. That group uses the quote by Caesar saying, “‘…he would rather be first in a village than second at Rome,’” to back up the belief that he was an evil tyrant. However, Caesar just wanted to fix all the wrongs that people previous to him had made. He just wanted to see Rome prosper. Caesar did more for Rome in the short time he ruled than all others before him. He created jobs, feed the hungry, and just made the Romans happy. Therefore, Julius Caesar was a true

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