
Trustworthiness Of Student Evaluations At The College Level

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There are a considerably vast amount of cons related to the trustworthiness of student evaluations at the college level. One argument against the evaluation, which goes along with the qualifications of the student’s opinions, is that the students are not always willing to give honest critiques in fear of hurting the teacher’s feelings. Not to mention, many students are lethargic or procrastinators when it comes to work that needs to be completed. Therefore, their evaluations can not be used as reliable sources for the course’s caliber if one is rushing last minute to turn in their evaluation. As for the administrators who receive the information, it would be be wise for them to sit in on a class to gage the overall success of the course, rather …show more content…

Instructors are able to improve their teaching based on student feedback and the students are able to have a voice regarding the quality of their education. I would say that is all that is deemed as beneficial to the system of evaluations. It is a great way for instructors, students, and administrators to work together to better suit the educational needs for students. In my personal life, I have first hand witnessed the difference between a good teacher and a popular one. Based off of personal opinion, a popular teacher is one who wishes to be treated as an equal to the students. They rarely hand out homework or give assignments in general. Instead, their idea of work for a student is to “have fun” in order to gain their love. However, as mentioned before, in the process of trying to be a “cool” teacher, they lose the respect of their students. Kids will start to take their teacher for granted and slack off on their coursework. In an attempt to remain likable, the teacher may push back their deadlines for work or not require for a student to participate. The idea of a popular teacher is one who is lenient in regards to the effort that students put into their work and only wish to be loved by

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