Type Two Diabetes Type 2 Essay

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The project having two options required a choice between simulating a disease or doing a behavior intervention. I chose to simulate a disease, that disease being Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which the body causes the blood sugar to rise to higher than normal levels. Diabetes has two types but I chose type 2 because it is the more common form of diabetes. For those with Type 2 this means that the body does not use insulin properly which is called insulin resistance. When the resistance first happens, the pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. However, over time the pancreas can’t keep enough insulin pumping through to keep the blood sugar levels at or around normal levels. This slowing down or inability of the pancreas to keep up is what makes Type 2 Diabetes a progressive disease. Although the exact age that this disease becomes a possibility of developing is unclear. For those who develop it, it has been shown to have contributing factors such as genetics, extra weight, and inactivity. Diabetes is not known as a curable disease but Type 2, for some, can be controlled enough through diet, exercise, and excess weight loss that one can lead a close to normal and healthy diabetes lifestyle. My …show more content…

In all honesty I have learned that I can do some hard things and if this disease was one of them I think that I could do it. Like any hard thing, living with a disease takes some self-discipline and time to work on it but with time I think I could eventually come to terms with it and live a life that would be just as wonderful if not better than one without diabetes. With doctors to help inform me and people around me that live with it to encourage me I think it would be an experience that I wouldn’t ask for but would embrace as a part of a new identity moving

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