Understanding And Applying Basic Principles Of Effective Leadership

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I scored an 87 on the leadership scorecard. According to Manning & Curtis (2012), this is an indication that I understand and employ basic principles of effective leadership and that my employees should be generally happy under my leadership and their quality of work should generally be of high standard (P. 190). This questionnaire was definitely an eye opener for me. As I read the questions and provided my answers, I recognized several areas where I immediately knew I needed to make some drastic improvements. The first area that I rated myself somewhat lower was in regards to making assignments without first considering the availability of their time. Sometimes, in my line of work it is impossible to take into account the current work load prior to making assignments because each of my staff are assigned to a certain coverage area and we cannot dictate the number of members or the amount of work that will be required in that area. This changes frequently and seemingly rotates through the entire group at some point. However, if one of my employees is completely overwhelmed …show more content…

Again, in my industry we are heavily governed by regulations from The Bureau of TennCare. We have very strict timeframes that we must complete work assignments in and these are things that I have no ability to change or modify. We are also governed by regulations that are imposed upon us by the company that we are employed by and we must follow them if we want to keep a job. If I have the ability to grant leniency or change something to make it easier for the employee, I will do that every time. People will follow a rule better if they had the ability to help set it (Manning & Curtis, 2012). I try to all staff the opportunity to have a say in the things that we can decide together. It makes them feel like they had a say in what is going on and increases employee

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