
Usa Personal Statement

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After four years without seeing my father, he decided to bring me to the USA. It took place on June 15, 2008 in my native country of Togo, Africa. My mother and little sister were the people who were involved. My family and I moved from Africa to the United States to have a better life, get a better education, better job, and meet new friends around the world. This was the most challenging time of my life because I am going to settle and live in a country that I never dream to go before and even my education and culture will play a significant role during my life in the USA. I know there will be a lot of challenging ahead because my official language in Togo is French; however the language spoken in the United States is English. This will be very difficult for me because I need start all over to learn a new language and this also will be a barrier for me to adapt to the U.S environment, but I can`t just …show more content…

I was an all A and B student. I have received two Undergraduate Awards in Concept Science, and Algebra 1. In addition, I have earned an Excellent Citizenship Award as well as a Character Education Award and a Principals Award for Overall Academic Excellence through English for Speakers of Other Languages Program Senior Graduate. I am very proud of the fact that I have never received detention or missed a single day of high school during my entire school career. Even, outside from school, I have made, The Character Education Award Recognized for my respectful nature, positive character and attention to others, Scholastic Achievement Award: In Recognition Of Sustained Academic Excellence, All STAR AWARD and Excellent Citizenship Award. I continued to improve in my education and made many other accomplishments during the rest of my education level even in college. Furthermore, I have a good attitude toward other people and I also get along well with students from other

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