
What Is The Value Of Being An American Essay

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Being an American can mean a lot of things for different people. An American should be able to have the same rights as any other person whether they are African American, Mexican, Asian, etc. Everyone should also be given the right to speak their mind, even if it is negative because different people have different opinions. That unfortunately, is not something that is given to everyone such as minorities. The image below is the Statue of Liberty. This statue is meant to represent new opportunities for everyone and freedom, however, many do not get that chance. A big issue nowadays is discrimination. Although it is said that everyone has equal rights this doesn’t seem to be followed by many. A lot of the times people will attack minorities, whether it’s about stealing or vandalizing because they will see them as less than they are. It is also said that women have equal rights as men do but there are still cases where they get discriminated for being a female. For example, if a female wanted to apply for a job that involves constructing houses, the boss would probably not give her the job because he will not think that she can handle it. Everyone must be able to receive the same chance to succeed. …show more content…

Students whose families do not have money are forced to work twice as hard for their education. Your social class, gender, earnings, and health status can also play a role in inequality of education. White people are always more privileged than other races and have easier times getting into colleges because they will have money to pay for their college tuition. For instance, if an immigrant is in American and is trying to get into college they have to really put in the work to get a good scholarship because they will have to pay for their books, classes, dorms, etc. and still have to pay extra for being an international

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