What's Your Leadership Style Assessment

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I have always taken on the role to lead others whenever an opportunity is presented. Simplifying and creating an organized workflow for teams has allowed me to practice and demonstrate my leadership skills. As a young professional with no management experience, I am not given exposure to partake in leading other’s often within my current position. To gain more experience, I practice mindfulness and self-awareness to coach others to live simplistically with purpose. Consequently, this has provided me with the skills to better collaborate and create new methods to implement to promote positive growth for my work team. According to the What’s Your Leadership Style assessment, I have a collaborator style. Rockhurst (n.d.) suggest,
You are humble …show more content…

I have learned the importance of research throughout this program. As a leader I believe it is necessary to collect data and use customer’s feedback to improve and develop programs. This is a skill I have currently taken on in my current position as a Vital Signs Committee member. I am using the information I receive from patients to brainstorm new interventions that can reduce gaps in care. This has allowed me to understand constructivism prior to applying it …show more content…

The effective executives valued and respected their boards. As a result, they see their boards as at the center of their work. Their leadership is board-centered.
I believe as a leader it is crucial to help all staff advance and develop leadership skills. Instructing the team to use their expertise to improve business will allow staff to work independently and exercise more of their skills. When having this approach in the work place, staff is able to make informed decisions without the need of consulting the executive. Therefore, staff will gain more confidence in fulfilling their roles and will gain more experience in leadership. As a future leader I will focus on maintaining the structure of the board. Renz and Herman (2011) explain effective executives work with members of the board to ensure the organization is operating properly and to review annual objectives. Providing support ensures success in the board meeting annual objectives (Renz & Herman, 2011). Supporting colleagues in my current role is preparing me for the demands I will have when managing an organization. I have gained experience debriefing with colleagues in my current position which I believe will benefit my ability to support to my board members. I have mastered self-reflection and use this technique often to observe my thoughts and performance. Presenting this to my staff can bring forth structure and