White Chicks Movie Analysis

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As Cooldee stated on commensense.org, she says that White Chicks was an inappropriate movie for a teen. There were many factors to why she believes this. According Cooldee, “White Chicks has alot of racial insults, stereotyping, foul/bad language, violence, and sex! This is not a family friendly movie!” I have watched this with my family and we have a different view on this movie than that of Cooldee. If Cooldee were to have read the summary of the movie, prior to watching it, she may have known that it was not something she would want to watch with her teen. In reality, many teens already know that these factors exist in the world. There are teenagers everywhere who are may already be involved in these acts. It is an inappropriate movie, but that’s what makes it humorous. Although the details of the movie are not what parents want to watch with their children, it is a movie that describes what happens in reality. There are people like that, so teenagers should be aware of what is going on. When my family watched this movie, my youngest sister did not understand what the sex toys were, so it did not affect her in anyway. If the reviewer would have read the description of the movie, then she would have known what the plot of the story was. …show more content…

Although the actors do sometimes say foul words, most teenagers may have heard them before. This is not a good influence, but it is something people say on a daily basis. This movie is PG-13 because of the foul language and other factors. It is a movie where teenagers can watch it because in the society of today, many of the events in White Chicks occur in reality. There will be times when a teenager is out and they hear some of these words, but the parents of the teenagers will not write a bad review on that person. They might simply ignore the person. Most teenagers would have heard this language before as reason why the movie was rated a PG-13

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