Sometimes They Come Back Target Audience

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The target audience is for the teenagers and over. Based on the short story, it contains lots of violence, grown up themes and includes demons. To stay faithful to the story, we have to capture the tone of the film and this would create a M15+ rating. The directors previous film are graphic, i.e. Cube (1997) and Splice (2009). Teenagers all very excited by the Horror genre, just looking at the success of the Paranormal Activity franchise. The younger audience will immediately be interested by the cast alone, due to their recent success. Paul Rudd is sharing huge success with the young demographic, from Ant-Man (2015) and the Anchorman franchise. Margot Robbie and Robert Downey Jr, are popular on their social media accountants too. The critical comprassion to Fight Club (1999) and Stephen King’s name on the poster will help too. The poster is to advertise the film and make people aware of it. The purpose of the film is to tell ultimately tell a compelling story, that the audience will enjoy and pay for. …show more content…

It’s because that ‘Vincenzo Natali’s Sometimes they Come Back’ is a Horror / Thriller. The text mirrored the feel of the film, to where it’s something very mature, violent and scary. It’s not like you’d have the title shaped out of marshmallows, all to the colour of pink. This would only confuse the potential audience, to where they would think it’s for kids. It needs to match the movie and help sell the film, for what the film is. For the inspiration of having creepy looking text on the poster, came from ‘The Final Girls (2015), American Horror Story (2011-) and The Conjuring (2013). All were hugely successful and catered to the same audience. The language of the text does go to influence my entire