
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet has inspired many modern love stories around the world. Human nature is the blame others for a mistake or action and not take responsibility. Children learn from an early age to blame other people for their mistakes. Romeo and Juliet’s horrific demise can be blamed on many people throughout the story. Many People believe that Balthazar is the is the person to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death because he told Romeo about Juliet before the letter could arrive to its destination. In reality, it is actually the two families and specifically Lord Capulet’s fault because he was forcing Juliet to Marry Paris.
Many people blame Balthazar for Romeo and Juliet’s eventual demise because of his actions and the decisions …show more content…

Balthazar wasn’t at Juliet’s funeral with impure intentions. It is not clear from textual evidence, but in Luhrmann's movie version when he saw Juliet’s Funeral from behind several boulders he looked shocked and sad for Romeo. If he was there to spy on someone he would have know that Juliet had died before hand. He was most likely there to pay his respects to Mercutio because he only died the day before. Balthazar didn't leave Romeo alone at the tomb like he asked him to. Before Romeo and Balthazar arrived at the tomb, he noticed that Romeo did not look quite right. He looked unsettled and devastated. Balthazar told Romeo, “I do beseech you, sir, have patience. Your looks are pale and wild and do import some misadventure (V. i.27-29)”. He noticed Romeo’s emotional state and didn't leave him alone in the tomb. He wanted to give him space to grieve. When Friar Lawrence came to the tomb to see if Romeo had retrieved Juliet, he encountered Balthazar. Friar Lawrence asked him about this he said, “Romeo [is in the tomb]...Full half an hour [Romeo has been in the tomb]”. Balthazar had no idea of Romeo's intentions to kill himself but he didn't want to leave him alone by himself so he waited outside the tomb. He waited there because he thought that Romeo was paying his respects and he didn't want to I interrupt him. He was being a good friend by waiting outside and not …show more content…

The two families have been fighting for as long as any of them could remember. They have been atfor long before any of them could remember. The Chorus says, “Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny”(Prologue.i.1-3). The text says that the bad blood between these families is ancient. This implied that they have been fighting for generations and most likely no one remembers. These two families cant be together for more than 5 minutes before they start to argue and fight. In the Luhrmann version, the montagues were at a gas station filling up their tank and Tybalt and the Capulets showed up. Before long a gun fight started to break out and people got shot. The families hate each other so much that they can't be around each other without a fight breaking out. This violent aggression that both families show will soon play a role later in the story that prevents Juliet from having a

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