
Why Children Have Not Go To College Essay

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“Children of Illegal Aliens Should or Should Not Go to College and Gain Legal Status.”

In the United States, approximately 65,000 children each year graduate from high school without legal immigration status. These students are not legally permitted to stay in the U.S. They were brought here by their parents at young ages and have lived in the U.S. for most of their lives. When these students graduate from high school there are fewer opportunities for them, to legally work or get in-state college tuition. In order for these students to get employed or further their education in America, they would have to obtain a legal status.
They would apply for, The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, which is known as the DREAM ACT or The Dreamers. The DREAM …show more content…

All the student who are citizens of United Stated have some where they can go to get help toward college. Whereas illegal immigrant cannot get help for the government with grants nor financial aid. If they get accepted into college, they would be paying very expensive out-of-state tuition rates.

It’s not fair that the United States denies illegal immigrant students the opportunity in getting the best education they can ask for. Most foreign countries do not have the best education to offer as the United States, that’s one of the reasons why illegal immigrants come to the United States. All immigrants try to give their family especially their kids a life that they never had when they were younger. All immigrant come to the U.S. and work very hard for little to nothing. The little money they make to provide for their family they also try to send their kids to the best schools. All immigrants have one thing on their mines when they come to America is betterment for a brighter future. They are mostly very hard workers and would pay their

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