Should Illegal Immigrants Be Allowed To Go To School Essay

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School? Or no? America has had immigration problems since 1607 and it's never been a problem until now. Trump has made illegal immigrant’s a problem that’s been ignored for hundreds of years and now they're not being allowed to go to school. Children of illegal immigrant’s should be allowed to go to school because education is important for children to have, if children born in the United States then the child is a citizen of the United States, and it's their parents fault that they were brought over to the United States illegally. Children of illegal immigrant’s should be allowed to go to school because education is important for children to have, if children born in the United States then the child is a citizen of the United States, and it's their parents fault that they were brought over to the United States illegally. …show more content…

For example, The Economist states, “And then there is the federal DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors), which provides a path to citizenship for illegal immigrant’s under the age of 35 who came to America before they were 16 and either graduated from high school or obtain an equivalent degree and then complete two years of military service or higher education and maintain "good moral character(The Economist)”. The first piece of evidence shows that illegal immigrant’s need education to become a citizen. If they don’t get to go to school the they can’t become a legal citizen. The Economist also states that “She graduated from high school with an A average, and wanted to become a lawyer. Instead she will probably be deported in the spring, after she graduate’s (The Economist)”. The second piece of evidence shows that illegal immigrants are being taken from school even though they have almost finished school and they have done good things to help America. The people are taking away the illegal immigrant’s chances of becoming a