
Why Did The Fall Of Satan Happen When Did God Happen?

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There are many questions regarding Creation week. When did the fall of Satan happen? When did GOD create the ‘waters’? Did these things already happen before Creation Week? Many people try to answer this question with the “Gap Theory”, and that's what I'm going to be discussing today.

The Gap Theory says that “In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth,” -Genesis 1:1. But Gap Theorists say that verse 1 is a completely different event than the commonly understood ‘Creation Week’. They say that GOD created the earth perfectly in verse 1, but then, when Satan committed the very first sin and GOD cast him and his followers out of Heaven, HE also completely destroyed the original earth with a flood. This is where we pick up in …show more content…

And again it says “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed,” and then says “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground,” as if he made the garden, then put the man in it, then created the plants, but we know this isn’t so. If you actually read these verses in context though, you realize that some sentences are meant to be taken chronologically, and some are not, but are rather used for literary purposes. So, out of context, things can get confused. Another example of this is the word beginning. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” “The devil has been sinning from the beginning” -1 John 3:8b. “At the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female’” -Mark 10:6. If you put the last two quotes together, it must mean Satan had already fallen when GOD made humans, which supports the gap theory. But the first two together either means that verse one is used as a summary of what’s to come, not as a historical and chronological background like Gap Theorists claim. Or it could mean that GOD created Satan already evil, meaning …show more content…

It’s the Cambrian Explosion. If you know what the Cambrian Explosion is, this may startle you. If you don’t, I’ll explain it. If you go out into the Grand Canyon or somewhere similar, you’ll see multiple different layers of sediment, and in each layer of sediment, or at least some, are different types of fossils. For the most part, at the bottom layers are sea creatures, and at the top layers are land animals. Atheists use this as evidence to say that land animals evolved from sea creatures, which we know is not true because of the account in Genesis 1. One stumbling block for them though is the Cambrian Explosion. The Cambrian Explosion is where in one layer of sediment is sea creatures, and in the next layer up is land animals, without any transitional forms in between! This would be hard core evidence for the Gap Theory as the creatures in the old earth would’ve been buried in one layer because of the flood, and then GOD created completely new animals on the new earth, and they would’ve been buried in a different layer of sediment when Noah’s flood came. Notice I said “would be”. Remember when I said I would discuss how the Bible says GOD “created” sea creatures instead of “made”? If GOD created sea creatures, this means they would not have been on the old earth, meaning they would be in the top layer instead of land animals, which would’ve been in the bottom layer in GOD “made” them. This

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