Why I Want To Pursue A Career In The Healthcare Field

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An individual philosophy is usually shaped based on their life experience. Whether it is the environment they grew up in, who they grew up around, their lifestyle choice, or their personal beliefs and values all contribute to their personal philosophy. Overtime one's personal Philosophy may change due to life’s circumstances. My life’s experience was and still is an important factor in why I chose to pursue a career in the healthcare field. I believe that our health is in our control and doctors and nurses are there to assist us in any unfortunately outcome that occurs.

I grew up in Monrovia , Liberia, a small underdeveloped country in west Africa. While living there I witness the death of many due to incompetent medical care. Seeing …show more content…

Once we as a community understand the determinants of health, together we can practice safe habits to prevent any disease from ever happening or worse becoming a pandemic.When it comes to health care, we as health educators, are the public main source for information, therefore; it is important that we are positive role-models. As role-models it is our duty to show respect and pride for the profession, and in doing so we can attract and encourage more individuals to join the profession. For those who wish to join the healthcare field, there are a few skills and qualities they should possess: interpersonal skills, communication skills, problems-solving skills, and empathy. Working in a healthcare profession you come in contact with people of different race, gender, and religion, it is necessary to work well with others and be able to communicate effectively. As health providers and educators it is crucial to find a resolution to a problem that arise in the workplace in a timely and effective manner and should also be able to put oneself in someone else's shoes and understand their situation. As a health advisor, I believe it is my job to be a leader